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Committed To Serving Others

About Whiteside's Faith Manor

Whiteside's Faith Manor provides low-income apartments for elderly and disabled individuals in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the surrounding areas. Learn more about the history behind this building and our founders.

Dr. William H. Whiteside and His Wife

Dr. William H. Whiteside

In the 1940s, Dr. William H. Whiteside was in a deep rut and drowning in a sea of debt. In the midst of this trouble, God intervened and provided him with a friend who helped him financially and also gave him moral support. This act of kindness and salvation inspired Dr. Whiteside to accept his Christian responsibility to serve others.

The Good Neighbors Club

With this motivation to help others, Dr. Whiteside and his wife, Annie Maude, began assisting more and more destitute families. They gained support from her church missionary society, friends and neighbors, and the Chattanooga Welfare Department. Out of these initiatives and support, The Good Neighbors Club was formed in 1952.

Charities and Services

Since its inception, The Good Neighbors Club has worked to prevent countless people from losing their homes by paying their mortgages and providing for other life necessities. Our services include visiting the sick and cooking and cleaning for those who are unable to do so. In addition to our local services, we have raised money to benefit people in Haiti.

Whiteside's Faith Manor

In 1979, we accomplished one of our long-sought dreams by establishing a home for the elderly. Now, our home has become a model senior citizen residential facility in the southeastern United States.